What is custom abutment?

A custom abutment is a dental prosthesis used in implant dentistry. It is a connector that attaches to a dental implant and supports a dental crown, bridge, or denture.

When a patient receives a dental implant, a titanium post is surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as an artificial tooth root. The implant integrates with the surrounding bone over time, providing a stable foundation for the replacement tooth or teeth.

An abutment is the part that connects the implant to the artificial tooth. While standard abutments are available in pre-made sizes and shapes, a custom abutment is specifically designed and fabricated for an individual patient.


The process of creating a custom abutment involves taking impressions or digital scans of the patient's mouth, including the implant site. These impressions or scans are used to create a precise 3D model of the abutment. Dental technicians then fabricate the abutment using materials such as titanium or Zirconia.

The advantages of custom abutments include:

1,Precise fit: Custom abutments are tailored to the unique anatomy of the patient's mouth, ensuring an optimal fit with the implant and supporting restoration.
2,Improved aesthetics: Custom abutments can be designed to match the shape, contour, and color of the surrounding natural teeth, resulting in a more natural-looking smile.
3,Enhanced stability: Custom abutments provide a more stable and secure connection between the implant and the artificial tooth, improving the longevity and functionality of the restoration.
4,Better soft tissue management: Custom abutments can be designed to support the gums and maintain healthy soft tissue contours around the implant, promoting better oral health.

It's important to note that the decision to use a custom abutment is made based on individual clinical considerations. Your dentist or prosthodontist will evaluate your specific needs and determine if a custom abutment is the most suitable option for your dental

Post time: Jun-21-2023