What is guided implant surgery?

An implant surgery guide, also known as a surgical guide, is a tool used in dental implant procedures to assist dentists or oral surgeons in accurately placing dental implants in a patient's jawbone. It is a customized device that helps ensure precise implant positioning, angulation, and depth during the surgical procedure.

The implant surgery guide is typically created using advanced digital technology, such as computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM).

Here's an overview of the process:

1,Digital Scanning:

The first step involves obtaining a digital impression of the patient's mouth using intraoral scanners or cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). These scans capture detailed 3D images of the patient's teeth, gums, and jawbone.

2,Virtual Planning:

Using specialized software, the dentist or oral surgeon imports the digital scans and creates a virtual model of the patient's oral anatomy. This software allows them to accurately plan the optimal placement of the dental implants based on factors such as bone density, available space, and the desired final outcome.

3,Surgical Guide Design:

Once the virtual planning is complete, the dentist or oral surgeon designs the surgical guide. The guide is essentially a template that fits over the patient's teeth or gums and provides precise drilling locations and angulation for the implants. It may include sleeves or metal tubes that guide the drilling instruments during surgery.


The designed surgical guide is sent to a dental laboratory or a specialized manufacturing facility for fabrication. The guide is typically 3D-printed or milled from a biocompatible material, such as acrylic or titanium.


Prior to the surgery, the surgical guide is sterilized to ensure it is free from any contaminants or bacteria.

6,Surgical Procedure:

During the implant surgery, the dentist or oral surgeon places the surgical guide over the patient's teeth or gums. The guide acts as a template, guiding the drilling instruments to the exact locations and angles predetermined during the virtual planning stage. The surgeon follows the guide's instructions to prepare the implant sites and subsequently places the dental implants.

The use of an implant surgery guide offers several advantages, including increased accuracy, reduced surgery time, improved patient comfort, and enhanced aesthetic outcomes. By following the guide's pre-determined placement, the dentist can minimize the risk of damaging vital structures and optimize the long-term success of the dental implants.

It's important to note that implant surgery guides are specific to dental implant procedures and may vary depending on the complexity of each case and the techniques used by the dentist or oral surgeon.


Post time: Oct-21-2023